Are You Following A Ketogenic Diet?

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Tracking Ketones Is Key To Fat Burning

Whether you’re just starting out, or if you’ve been at this for a while, tracking your ketones is part of achieving and staying in ketosis. Especially since your meal choices, exercise routine, sleep habits, and stress levels can impact your ketone levels. Tracking your ketones regularly allows you to better understand how your body reacts to these factors so you can stay on track towards your goals.

That’s why we are excited to share Biosense®, a powerful, simple to use device that provides specific ketone level tracking through breath! The accompanying Biosense® app includes a variety of programs designed to help you reach and maintain the specific level of ketosis that results in the health benefits you are  striving to achieve, such as weight loss, inflammation reduction, autophagy/ cellular rejuvenation and more.

Biosense® Ketone Monitoring

The Easiest To Use, Clinically Tested, Most Accurate Breath Ketone Tracking Device

The unique (patented) deep lung sampling process provides accurate and reproducible measurements (ACEs) by correcting for natural variations in exhalation time and lung capacity across individuals.

ACEs Make Ketosis Levels Easy to Understand

Only Biosense provides a full daily picture of the time and depth of your ketosis, so you can see your true, total fat burn over time.

The more and longer you are “in the green range of 5-9” or higher, the greater your fat burning rate.

Your ACEs score appears immediately on the device and is tracked in the app, as well, so you can match changes to your scores with meals, sleep, stress, exercise and more.

Recommended by Metabolic Experts

Here’s our Metabolic Difference

Easy to use non-invasive fat burn monitoring
Clinically validated accuracy
Advanced fat burn tracking and insights
Personalized set of metabolic programs
No calorie counting


The Only Clinically Backed
Fat Burn Monitor